Jarosław Nowak
Instruktor Polskiego Związku Alpinizmu

About me

Passion for climbing and love of nature. These two things are the reason why I have been climbing in every spare moment in both Polish and foreign rocks for more than 25 years.

Also out of a passion for climbing, climbing courses and training were born many years ago. Well, because how not to infect this passion when climbing is so cool? Why not share years of experience, backed up by several thousand ascended climbing routes in different parts of the world? A variety of roads, both easier and very difficult. Not to take advantage of the great knowledge of the Krakow-Czestochowa Jurassic, Czarnorzki, Sokolik or Eastern Slovakia? And hundreds of other places.

So I’m training.  I put all my heart, knowledge and enthusiasm into it. Each day in a different place. A day worked solidly from morning to evening. I share this passion, talk about ethics, show how to survive in rocky terrain and teach rope techniques… Sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously… All so that ultimately my charges set out on their own, to meet their own dream climbing adventure.

Instructor of the Polish Mountaineering Association
Jaroslaw Nowak